Matt Cohen Biography

I am a retired attorney now proud to be a professional photographer. My pursuit of fine art travel photography began at Phoenix College where I received a Certificate in Digital Photography; marching in graduation exercises was a highlight event. The instructors encouraged and assisted me in producing work in photobooks, which have become one of the prime destinations for my photographs, along with museums, residences, businesses, stock photos, exhibits, prints, and publications. Courses in Art History and meeting students and faculty at ASU honed my photography, as well as traveling to photo tours and photoshoots here and abroad. Academic work and travel to 150 countries got me on my way to great opportunities.

Areas of interest for me range from fine art portraits, such as ESPN lighting or Hollywood Lighting (as in my portrait above), to landscapes, travel, and special lighting. I enjoy working with Photoshop and Adobe Camera Raw to bring out the best in an image and applying my extensive training and course work. These programs assist in bringing a photo more closely to what the eye actually sees. I have recently received a Photoshop diploma signifying I am an expert. The pleasure of photography is the journey of the creative process and composing and capturing images. My real joy is sharing my images and travels with others, when they view one of my photos and experience the joy of the location and image that I was capturing, as I try to attempt in every image, the goal in each photograph is to capture the essence of the subject. Photography is a form of communication. Equally satisfying is when I’ve been able to inspire others to take travel photos, whether they’re around the world or in Phoenix. While I have been published and won awards, my greatest honors are sharing my artwork and travels with friends and the community, through photo books, shows, presentations, and classes. My work has been published in magazines and newspapers throughout the world and is available at mattcohentravelphotography. My photo books are in General Circulation at public libraries as well as being available on Blurb and Amazon Kindle.

Involvement with PSA for me has included attending conferences and outings, presenting a Webinar, training and serving as a judge for camera clubs, serving as a Commentator in a Digital Study Group, serving as judge in PSA’s annual photo book competition, the chairperson of the annual photo book competitionwriting articles, and presenting programs on photo books and photography. I am a believer in PSA because of the many benefits and help it provides to all members. Many opportunities! The fine art travel photography I share with PSA focuses on many genres of photography because that is what travel photography demands.

Instagram at mattcohentravelphotography and listed with stock agencies.

Follow me! Sharing photography is a pleasure. My website is

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